Dunning notices and payment
Were you unable to pay your outstanding premiums or invoices within the deadline and thus received a dunning notice? You can find key information about “Dunning notices and payment” here.
Why did I get a dunning notice?
If the deadline for the payment of an advance or a subsequent payment stated in an invoice has passed and we do not receive any payment, you will automatically receive a dunning notice.
When making payment, please take care to pay the total amount stated in the notice.
Check in MEINE EMB whether the payment has been received or whether there are still amounts outstanding.
Have you registered your gas meter?
Do you use natural gas for cooking or heating your home or water? Have you forgotten to register your gas meter with the energy supplier of your choice after moving in?
How can I pay the amount owed?
Summary of payment options:
Bank transfer
To transfer the amount, please use the following bank details and state your contract account number:
Commerzbank Potsdam
IBAN: DE39 1608 0000 4200 2450 00
Pay in cash
At the customer centre:
Büdnergasse 1, 14552 Michendorf
Monday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m
SEPA direct debit process
Give us a SEPA direct debit mandate using the online service MEINE EMB. Please note that this is only possible after all amounts owed have been paid.
Payment by instalment
If you are unable to pay the annual- or final invoice by the deadline set. We would be happy to check whether payment in instalments is possible.
How can I avoid dunning notices in the future?
Pay any amounts owed on time
- Please note the due date
- Please take account of bank processing times
- Check advance payment/invoice amount
- Check standing orders to see if they are up- to- date:
- Contract account number, advance payment amount, execution date
SEPA direct debit process
- If you change bank accounts: notify the new bank details in good time
- Make sure the account has sufficient credit
Use correct bank transfer data
- Remember to state the contract number in the purpose field
- Check EMB’s bank details before making payment
What happens if you fail to pay on time?
What happens if you fail to pay? | Costs (EUR) |
1. You receive a dunning notice with a warning that services will be suspended via the post/online service | 1,00/0,00 |
2. You will be informed of the date when the gas meter will be blocked | 1,00 |
3. The gas meter will be blocked by an external employee of the grid operator/ travel expenses for a failed blocking/Cancellation costs | 65,13/56,22/40,30 |
4. If it was impossible to block the meter, we will instruct a lawyer to initiate proceedings to gain access to the meter | Individual costs |
5. After obtaining a judgment conferring the right of access, the gas meter will be blocked with the help of a bailiff | Individual costs |
6. The invoice will be provided to a debt collection company | Individual costs |
7. Resumption of gas meter operation after settlement of outstanding claims | 77,50 |
What happens if I don’t pay? | Costs (EUR) |
1. You receive a dunning notice with a warning that your contract will be terminated via the post/online service | 1,00/0,00 |
2. Your contract will be terminated | - |
3. The invoice will be provided to a debt collection company | Individual costs |
Who are your contact persons?
Customer centre
You can find us from Monday and Wednesday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at Büdnergasse 1, 14552 Michendorf.
Where can I get help?
Here are your contact persons for issues relating to energy bills and energy consulting:
Verbraucherzentrale Berlin e.V. - Energieschulden
Email: energieschulden@vz-bln.de
Tel.: +49 30 214 85-202
You can choose to have a consultation about the various arrangements for settling your energy bills. Furthermore, you will receive information on how to avoid supply being suspended.
Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V. - Energieberatung
Tel.: 0800 809802400
You can benefit from consulting services to reduce your energy consumption.
Consulting services from the job centre or social services:
The state will generally offer people in need help with their energy bills if the applicable requirements are met. Simply get in touch with the relevant people at your local social services office or job centre.
Contact to the lawyer or debt collection agency
Please use the contact details in the relevant letter.
Other questions and answers about your payments
How can I pay the amount owed in cash?
Are you currently unable to make a transfer from your account? Just pay in cash. Our customer centre in Büdnergasse 1, 14552 Michendorf is open Monday to Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
I have received a dunning notice even though I have paid already.
This is probably because we were unable to identify and allocate the payment properly. Please check the following details:
Wrong or no contract account number?
If you realise that you have made a mistake when entering payment details, please contact us here.
Wrong amount?
The dunning notice will state the difference between the amount invoiced and the amount actually paid. In this case, please pay the outstanding amount.
How can I avoid dunning fees?
Please pay the bills we send to you within the deadlines set, i.e. your monthly advance payments. You can find the amounts owed and the payment deadlines in your most recent invoice or in MEINE EMB.
It is also important that you state your contract number in the reference field of your transfer -– otherwise we will not be able to identify and allocate your payment correctly.
If you have chosen to take advantage of direct debit, we will debit the amount from your account. You do not need to do anything else and will automatically stay up- to- date with all payments. Give us a SEPA direct debit mandate using the online service MEINE EMB.
How can I change my bank details?
The easiest and quickest way of doing this is via MEINE EMB under „Meine Zahlungen - Bankdaten“.
What can I do personally to avoid having to make a big subsequent payment next year?
We will not automatically adjust your advance payments when prices are changed on 01.01.2022. This will be done in the next annual bill. We recommend paying slightly more than the existing monthly advance payment as a precaution from 01.01.2022 – this lowers your risk of having to make a large subsequent payment. Our customers can adjust their advance payments at any time using our service portal MEINE EMB.
What can I do to avoid blocking?
Having your energy supply cut off is always unpleasant and results in additional costs. Therefore, you will receive a dunning notice in good time and therefore the chance to avoid a suspension of your energy supply. Please get in touch with us at this stage so that we can find a common solution.
You can only stop your meter from being blocked if you pay the outstanding amounts by 1 p.m. on the day before the blocking date.
Pursuant to Section 19 para 5 GasGVV, the utilities supplier has an obligation to offer defaulting customers a payment deferment agreement in text form by the time the notification of the suspension of utility supply is given pursuant to Section 19 para 4 GasGVV. Pursuant to Section 2 Para 3 Sentence 5 GasGVV, the utilities provider must publish the template payment deferment agreement on its website.
This template payment deferment agreement (which you can find here) is not a substitute for the specific offer to conclude a payment deferment agreement made in the individual case.
Have you been notified of the date when your supply will be stopped but you have already paid? Please call us so that we can quickly check whether we can still avert and cancel the cut to supply.
Your meter has already been blocked but you have paid the amount stated in the invoice? Please call us so that we can arrange for the block to be reversed.
Can I make my subsequent payments in instalments?
It is possible to agree on an instalment plan. If you have to make a large (subsequent) payment, please get in touch with us.
How will credit on my invoice be transferred to my account?
As a rule, we transfer any credit to the account you have notified. Do you want to check which bank details are currently saved, or notify a bank account to which disbursements should be made exclusively? You can enter, change or delete your bank details easily and at any time in MEINE EMB.
What can I do if my instalments are paid directly by the Jobcenter and I am still receiving reminders?
Your monthly instalment dates and amounts may change after your annual statement. Please check exactly when your new instalments are due and how much they will be. If the amount of the instalment changes, please ask your Jobcenter to adjust the payments. For this, the Jobcenter will need your bill and the new instalment plan.What can I do if a debit entry was not successful?What payment options do I have?Where on the dunning notice do I find the date by which the outstanding amount must be paid?
What can I do if a debit entry was not successful?
If your bank has not executed our payment order, we will receive information about the return debit. Depending on the reason for the return debit note, we will suspend the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate until the outstanding amount has been settled in full or delete the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate in order to prevent inconvenience and additional costs.
We will inform you in writing about the return debit note and the status of the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate issued to us. Please then transfer the outstanding amount plus any return debit costs which have accrued. You can check the current outstanding amount at any time in the online service MEINE EMB.If we have only temporarily suspended your SEPA Direct Debit Mandate, it will be reactivated automatically once the outstanding amount has been settled in full – you do not have to do anything.
If we have deactivated your SEPA Direct Debit Mandate, you can easily issue us with a new SEPA Direct Debit Mandate, once the outstanding amount has been settled in full, via the online service MEINE EMB.
What payment options do I have?
You can pay your invoices and advance payments by direct debit, bank transfer or in cash in the customer centre.
Direct debit mandate:
Give us a SEPA direct debit mandate using the online service MEINE EMB.
Bank transfer:
Commerzbank Potsdam
IBAN: DE39 1608 0000 4200 2450 00
Purpose: Please state your contract account number.
Cash payment:
Our customer centre in 14552 Michendorf, Büdnergasse 1 is open Monday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where on the dunning notice do I find the date by which the outstanding amount must be paid?
The deadline date for payment is shown on the first page of the reminder. Please note that a bank transfer can take up to three working days, so please allow enough time.